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Recipient Updates

Update: 2017 Rockin’ Recipient Lindsey Ann Masters!

January 7th, 2018

Hey peeps! Hope you’re having a great weekend – and if you need a lil dreary-weather pick-me-up, well, let me just tell you about 2017 Rockin’ Recipient Lindsey Ann Masters, who’s attending Clemson LIFE ????

According to Lindsey Ann’s mom:

Lindsey Ann has had a blast this fall at Clemson. She has the cutest apartment that she shares with 2 other Clemson LIFE students and her ILA (who happens to be a special ed major). [See the third pic!] She especially likes game days and tailgating with her new friends. She even made it on tv one week during a game!! They stay so busy not only with classes but with blended activities such as flag football, soccer, shag lessons, mentor/mentee meetings, etc. The athletic teams have been awesome too.

We have been most impressed by her new cooking skills. She has helped me cook several times while being home for Christmas break. [The second] picture is of her making turkey soup with our Christmas dinner leftovers. I was so proud.

This has been such a wonderful experience for her. She does her own grocery shopping and must stay within a monthly budget. She has learned how to use an app on her phone to help with this. She did so well the first few months she had extra money for the month of December.

Wow!! This is exactly the kind of college life I can envision for both my girls…and I can’t wait to eat food Ruby cooks for me someday!!! ????Lindsey Ann, we are so proud of you – keep on learnin’ and rockin’ it in college and life!!

Read more about Lindsey Ann:

#KeepOnRockinItLindsey #RockinRecipientsRule #CollegeBoundHomies#Update #StayTuned #DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeRocks #NoLimits

2017Clemson LIFELindsey Ann MastersRecipient UpdatesRockin' RecipientsUpdate

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