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Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

They really DO Listen…sometimes

April 10th, 2011

My oldest daughter (she’s 2 1/2) has a love affair with barbies.  Her BFF from the culde gave her the first one for her second birthday…and since then it has been all about “princess dresses” and “barbies”.  Her princess dress she got from grandma for her second birthday has seen better days because she wears it ALL the time…so much I can’t seem to sneak it away for a good cleaning.  I keep saying to myself..”she’s two..they are SUPPOSE to be dirty at this age..”, but when my neighbor (who has chosen ,after a few adult beverages, to be called “CONDOR” in my blog)  mentioned that her beautiful “pink” princess dress looks like a “camoflauge” dress now…I realized it was time.  It is in the wash now while she naps, hopefully to be ready for her playdate this afternoon.  If not, we may have a minor meltdown!

I have to say that I am liking the barbie stage right now because it gives me a little glimse into what goes on up in that brain of hers.  Yesterday she had out princess barbie and another barbie the parents refer to as “stripper barbie”. This barbie boasts it can move in over 99 positions…really?  My 2 1/2 year old needs a barbie that can move like that?  Too funny…It’s not like it even came with like a “gymnastic” theme or something.  It came dressed in platform shoes and a short (very short) mini-dress!  Anywho..her two barbies were having a conversation and I was eaves-dropping.  Princess barbie says “My mommy tells me I am beautiful all day long!”  To which “stripper barbie” replies “I know, I am beautiful too!  My mommy love me!”  It sounds kinda stupid, but is sure made me feel good.  They really do listen!  Now my daughter also tells me to “relax mommy” if I get worked up and the other day our littlest pooch Captain Bananas, who Ella Mae calls “nanners”, had tinkled on the floor to which she said loudly…”freakin’ nanners!”  So yes….they are listening…even when you think they aren’t.  So keep lovin’ em the way you do and surely they will grow up right!!

And a “Rubster” update…at 4 months she is weighin’ in at 10 1/2 lbs these days.  My neighbor gave me one of those “Bumbo” Chair thingies that allows her to sit up.  It has a little tray you can put things on and she can swat at them and try and grab them.  She looks kinda like Godzilla swatting at the airplanes at this point…but we are workin’ on those fine motor skills with her occupational therapist.  She’s come a long way baby!!  Right on target for even a “typically developing” preemie her age.  I just can’t stop kissin’ those cheeks……

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