TBT to this Incredible Letter from Mark Hublar’s Mom!!
January 31st, 2019
Ohhh my ❤️ you guys ????????????
This is a #TBT to this past June, when I received a letter from 2014 Rockin’ Recipient Mark Hublar’s mom, who happens to be one of the sweetest humans on the planet. She wrote the most amazing things:
“Because of you and your desire for your daughter and her peers to have the chance to experience college, you have greatly affected my son’s life. Through Ruby’s Rainbow College Scholarship, you made it possible for Mark to achieve a lifelong goal of graduating from college – a goal that I wasn’t even aware of, and one that wasn’t even in my wildest dreams for him.
“On the night of his graduation ceremony in 2016, Mark said to me, ‘Mom, did you ever think that all four of your sons would graduate from college?’ We had never even mentioned college to Mark, but at that moment, when I realized how much it meant to him, to be like his brothers, my heart could hardly hold all the emotions I was feeling. The love, pride and gratitude were almost overwhelming.
“Thank you for what you did for Mark and for all the college graduates you have helped through the years. May God bless you, your family and your wonderful endeavors to change the world’s idea of Down syndrome and college, as well as the many college graduates still to come.”
Annnd I’m crying ????????❤️????????
THIS is why we do what we do here at Ruby’s Rainbow, y’all…
Mark, I am SO glad we’ve had the privilege to know you & follow along with your journey, and most of all to call you a friend!!
#KeepOnRockinItMark #RockinRecipientsRule #LifelongLearner #CollegeGrad #DownSyndromeRocks
2014CollegeGraduateGraduationLiving the DreamMark HublarRecipient UpdatesRockin' RecipientsRockin' Recipients RuleThe Lucky Few