Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby Doobs

TBT to Ruby and Nella’s Very First Adventure!!

September 6th, 2018

In getting pumped up for our October Campaign coming up soon, so I am #tbt today to Ruby and Nella’s very first adventure#rubyandnellagotocollege as they were heading off to their first day of college life! This year we focused on what the college experience can look like for someone with a disability so check out the hashtag if you want to see more adorable pics and learn some “Fun Facts.” And look at these sweet girls! Oh my word, someday they will be for reals going off to college and Kelle Hampton and I will have to break out the camouflage jumpsuits so we can hide in the bushes. Did I say that out loud?

#rubyandnellagotocollege #rubysrainbow#lifewithrubydoobs #downsyndrome#downsyndromeawareness #theluckyfew

Down Syndrome AwarenessNellaOctober AwarenessOctober Awareness CampaignRuby and NellaRuby DoobsThe Lucky Few

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