Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby DoobsRuby's Rainbow News

TBT: Last Week’s Maudie’s Golf Tourney Was So Much Fun!!

April 11th, 2019

#tbt to last week at the Maudie’s TEX-MEX golf tourney. Eight years ago this tourney was the FIRST money we ever raised. It was the confidence I needed that this dream I had for my daughter and others rockin’ it like her mattered. These golfers come out every year and celebrate with Ruby (and even create outfits for her😂) and stand up and show the community that what we are doing matters❤️ They have literally watched Ruby grow from a baby to now giving speeches to kick off the tourney, and riding around on the golf cart with me to thank them all and give them lucky high fives❤️It has been so fun to watch❤️

Thank you to all the folks at Maudie’s and all the golfers for believing in us!! It sure does take a village and I’m so glad you are a part of mine❤️❤️

#lifewithrubydoobs #theluckyfew #downsyndrome #grateful#rubysrainbow

2019FundraiserGolfGolf TournamentGolf TourneyGratefulGratitudeLife with RubyMaudie'sRuby DoobsThe Lucky Few

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