Sweetest Thank-You Note from Isabel Ganz
February 2nd, 2019
“Ruby Rainbow Thank You Letter – Thank you for this opportunity. I did not see this coming and it is truly an honnor. I wanted a scholarship from you so bad and I can’t thank you enough. I am truly greatful to you. I always wanted to be a better and bigger version of myself and you made that possible.”
That’s the opening of the sweetest thank-you note from Isabel Ganz, who wrote to us (with excellent penmanship, I might add ????✍️) to express her gratitude for her Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship. She may not realize that the honor and pleasure are all ours!! We are SO PROUD of her and our other Rockin’ Recipients, and they inspire us each & every day!!
Re-reading this letter just now warmed my ❤️ and inspired me all over again – and then the last part of it made me bawl:
“I am blessed to have this scholarship and you made this happen for me. I always ran from Down syndrome but I’m done runing and I embraced who I really am. So thank you for this incredible honnar.”
It’s tough to put into words how this hits me…I am just so glad Isabel now sees just how perfect & valuable she is, just exactly as the individual that she is and has always been. I want both my girls to love themselves exactly as they are. I want EVERYONE to have that kind of self-acceptance…this world needs more love, and that love has to start with ourselves!!
OK I’m tearing up and going off on a tangent so I’ll stop here!! ???????????????? Please check out Isabel’s bio to learn a lil’ more about her – she’s in the TAP program at the University of Cincinnati and she’s rockin’ it!!!
#KeepOnRockinItIsabel #DownSyndromeRocks #RockinRecipientsRule #TheLuckyFew #ThankYouForTheThankYouNote