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Ruby Doobs

Sweet Friends on a Field Trip to Innerspace Caverns

February 10th, 2019

These two have been together since they were three. Before they could really even talk and communicate. Here we are five years later, and communication may still look a bit different than others in their class, but their bond and friendship remain strong. Maybe a part of it is they understand how incredibly hard they both have to work to “fit in” or achieve even the easiest tasks? One thing is for sure though…while they each struggle in different ways, they show me every day that the most important part of friendship is just showing up. ❤️❤️
#fieldtrip #innerspacecaverns #lifewithrubydoobs#theluckyfew #rubysrainbow

Field TripFriendsFriendshipInclusionInnerspace CavernsLife with Ruby DoobsRuby Doobs

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