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Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

still Lost….

June 10th, 2011

So my hubby and I are 99 episodes deep into the Lost series…only 21  more to go… I can’t wait to break free from the “Lost shackles”.. Anywho..I am blaming this for my lack of writing in the past week (again :))  Not that my pip-squeaks have not been doing amazingly cute and wonderful things..More on that!

We had a wonderful visit from Aunt Sara and Uncle Matt, and as soon as they got here they were tossed into the mix without warning…they got in at midnight, and the next morning with only a few minutes of instruction, the hubby and I are out the door to work and they are left alone with the nose-pickers.  These guys are old pros though…so it was easy for them to swoop in and work their magic.  There was lots of painting of the finger nails, hide and seek…and of course a friendly game of put-put golf.  These guys, like Tim’s parents, are no-hassle wonderful peeps that love my girls, not to mention my hubby, to pieces and I just don’t have a bad thing to say about that 🙂 

Ruber Doobs just had her six month check-up and is still kickin’ butt and takin’ names…she is up to almost 13 lbs!  We started feeding her some pureed foods and she goes after it like her mama does chocolate…see for yourself……..

See the “crazy” in her eyes..she loves her some pears 🙂

Nothin’ better than a sweet potato “fu man chu”


We also took Ruby to the lake and got her lil’ chubby feet in the water this last weekend.  Ella Mae was swimming around in just her arm floaties for a while…2 1/2 and already establishing her independence….sniff sniff..I wish there was a way to hit a “pause” button. 

Snoozin’ on the boat

The clan gettin’ wet!

Look at that sweet baby belly!!

Life is all good over in these parts….here is an update on on new lil’ four legged furry friend……..

Biscuit is still trying to figure out what she is, but her and nanners have been attempting to play….it is pretty funny.  She jumps straight up on her hind legs like Superman taking off and then bats her front paws in the air, sometimes getting nanners face in the mix. Biscuit likes to just be near her, and as you can see in the pic has no concept of “personal space.”  No doubt they will all soon be long time buds!  Have a good weekend peeps 🙂                              

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