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Recipient Updates

SO Proud of Rockin’ Recipient Sarah Parrack!!

April 29th, 2019

You guys!!! I am SO proud of Rockin’ Recipient Sarah Parrack, who earned an amazing distinction last month from the National Down Syndrome Society!!

So every year, the NDSS selects one female and one male from across the country for their Champions of Change Award…well, this year, they selected Sarah for the award as their female 2019 Self-Advocate of the Year. Wow!! 👏🎉👏 Sarah was nominated by a leader of the Oklahoma Youth Leadership Forum, which she attended during high school (and then served as a junior counselor the following year).

Last month the NDSS invited Sarah to receive her award, take part in the Buddy Walk on Washington D.C., and then meet with Congressmen on Capitol Hill regarding current bills relating to individuals with intellectual disabilities.

We are SO PROUD OF YOU, Sarah!!! Keep on rockin’ it on behalf of peeps rockin’ that extra chromosome!!! ❤️😍🌈

Read more about Sarah here:…/sarah-parrack-university-of-mis…/
#KeepOnRockinItSarah #RockinRecipient #RockinRecipients#RockinRecipientsRule #RecipientUpdate #RockinRecipientUpdate#RubysRainbow #RockinThatExtraChromosome #AustinNonprofit#TheLuckyFew #DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwareness#DownSyndromeRocks #SelfAdvocate #BuddyWalk #InclusionMatters

2018AwardBuddy WalkChampion of ChangeChampions of ChangeHonorNDSSRecipient UpdatesRockin' RecipientSarah ParrackSelf-Advocate

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