Ruby Rocked 1st Grade!!!
May 24th, 2018
Pardon me while I am feeling all the feels today. There has been lots of “end of school year” things going on and it seems to be bringing up all the emotions ????
If I could go back to the time this picture was taken and tell my mama heart to stop worrying about what the future would hold…I would. If I could have seen how Ruby would rock the first grade, making friends, working hard to learn things HER way…how Ella Mae has grown into the most kind and compassionate third grader on the planet …I think I would have been able to relax a little.
But that’s not how life works, and “feeling the feels” is what makes us human and continue to learn and grow and work at being the best version of ourselves we can be. As this school year comes to an end I can honestly say I am excited for what the future holds. I know there will be hard stuff mixed in with the beautiful stuff, but my girls show me everyday that they can handle whatever comes their way.
Ps…Ella Mae had her awards ceremony this morning and was voted “Peacemaker” by her classmates ❤️
???? #proudmama
#tbt #lifewithrubydoobs #ellamaeisthecoolest #theluckyfew#downsydromerocks #rubysrainbow