Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby Doobs

Ruby Nailed Her Hip Hop Dance Performance!!

May 11th, 2019

SO PROUD of these girls!!! Despite not having their hip hop teacher able to make it today…these girls NAILED their performance!!! And Ruby, oh sweet Ruby. You are the perfect combo of SASS and AWESOME. If only doctors could pair videos of you dancing the way you do (with your whole heart) along with a new diagnosis. Until then, I will keep sharing your sweet spirit in hopes that others will find you❤️
Best early mama’s day gift ever❤️❤️ I will post a link to the dance soon so you can see her in action!!
#lifewithrubydoobs #rubysrainbow #rubyandfiona #downsyndrome

Dance TeamLife with RubyProud MamaRuby DoobsThe Lucky Few

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