Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby Doobs

Ruby Mails ANOTHER Tub Full Of Scholarship Packets!!

June 17th, 2019

Ruby helped me take the THIRD stuffed bucket of new scholarship packages to be sent out this weekend. I love how much pride she takes in what we are doing. She calls them “my recipients” and truly gets excited about it all❤️ And this year she should be EXTRA excited because we were able to award a record amount!!! Are you ready to find out how much?!?

Drumroll please…through all of your love and support we are able to grant $267,000 to 82 amazingly capable students heading to college this fall who just happen to have Down syndrome. 😭❤️😭❤️YOU GUYS!!!!!!! EEK!!! I am SPEECHLESS. And that takes A LOT 😂😍 Thank you to each and every one of you for helping make this a reality!!!

Alright y’all, now who’s ready to start seeing some of these new amazing faces and reactions?!?
#grateful #rubysrainbow #lifewithrubydoobs #ellamaeisthecoolest#downsyndrome #college #scholarships

2019Rockin' RecipientsRuby DoobsScholarshipscholarships

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