Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Recipient Updates

Rockin’ Recipient Shanika Bonipart Honored at Charlotte, NC Down Syndrome Association!

August 29th, 2018

Y’all, we are so proud of this young lady right here!! ???????? This is 2017 Rockin’ Recipient Shanika Bonipart, who just graduated this past spring from Winthrop University, and this past weekend was honored at the Charlotte, NC, annual Down Syndrome Back-to-School Cookout! ???????????? We ALSO just learned Shanika got approved for her first home loan!!! Wow!!

We are so proud of you, Shanika!! We hope you find the home of your dreams!!

Read more about Shanika:

#KeepOnRockinItShanika #DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwareness #DownSyndromeRocks #DownSyndromeIsBeautiful #NoLimits #TheLuckyFew #WinthropUniversity #HomeLoan #LivingHerBestLife

2017 Rockin’ Recipient Shanika Bonipart Hugs Her Mom

2017 Rockin’ Recipient Shanika Bonipart Checking Out Her Gifts

2017Back to SchoolDown Syndrome AssociationDSARecipient UpdatesRockin' RecipientsShanika BonipartWinthrop University

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