Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Recipient Updates

Rockin’ Recipient Sean Received This Year’s Warriors For Walt Scholarship!!

June 21st, 2019

Me and Ruby got to Skype in to surprise Sean with his Ruby’s Rainbow Warriors for Walt scholarship award of $10,000 yesterday and seeing his face just makes my heart soar!! It was so beautiful to see the love and support from his community too!! Sean will be attending Bethel BUILD Program this fall, but he has already been working hard at his career goals. He has always wanted to be in law enforcement like his brother and took the initiative to reach out to the Police Chief to help start a new program called the Growth Through Opportunity (GTO) Police Cadet program…and was the very first graduate!!

The Chief said, “Sean had the courage to apply for a unique opportunity with our Police Department quickly transforming into a member of our team and teaching our officers important skills when encountering individuals with disabilities. It takes a special kind of person to take on the challenge of creating a new program and I could not have asked for a better person to take on this challenge with us. Sean has been an inspiration to me personally, the Police Dept. and the community we serve. ” 😭😍

The news even came out to see his reaction and cover the story!! Click the link to watch!! It has been a dream of mine to continue raising scholarship amounts (bc it ain’t cheap, y’all) so this makes my heart smile so big!! Thank you everyone for all the love and support for believing in us and helping make this dream a reality!!

Sean we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see how your first year goes at Bethel University!!!!

#rubysrainbow #lifewithrubydoobs #rockinrecipientsrule#downsyndromerocks #scholarship #college

2019Bethel UniversityCareerCareer OpportunitiesDream JobRecipient UpdateRockin' RecipientRockin' Recipients RuleScholarshipSean SieleniSurpriseWarriors For Walt

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