Rockin’ Recipient Jessica Just Graduated From Saginaw Valley State U!!
May 29th, 2019
Ummm how much do you all ❤️❤️❤️ these cap & gown pics?!?! They make me grin ear to ear!! 😍😍 This is Rockin’ Recipient Jessica who just graduated from Saginaw Valley State U’s ThinkCardinal Program!! She wrote this to us:
“I graduated on May 11, 2019. My family, friends, and mentors were there to celebrate with me! I truly loved being in college and had an awesome experience. I will miss my friends, but not the homework! I had great professors this year and loved having an internship in the admissions office. My coworkers even threw me a graduation party on my last day of work!
“For the summer I’m focusing on swimming and improving my times for the Special Olympics state games. I am still working several hours a week at Hidden Treasures Preschool and at LePosh Hair Salon. I love working with people, and these jobs are great! In the fall I’ll fill my schedule with more work hours and volunteer opportunities. I’m still working towards more goals, like living independently, but we’re taking our time through one transition at a time.”
AMAZING — SO PROUD of you, Jessica!!! 🎓🙌👏❤️ Your future plans sound perfect — keep us posted!!
More about Jessica:…/jessica-day-saginaw-valley-stat…/
#KeepOnRockinItJessica #TheLuckyFew #CollegeGraduate #SoProud#DownSyndromeRocks #NothingDownAboutIt