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Recipient Updates

Read About How College Has Changed 2016 Rockin’ Recipient Caryn Croll’s Life!

November 14th, 2018

Not only is Caryn looking BEAUTIFUL in her Ruby’s Dream BIG socks, but she has some amazing things to say about how college has changed her life:

“Being able to go to college has changed my life! I’ve taken so many classes at Raritan Valley Community College, including American Sign Language, computers, career development, jazz dance, and English. I’m currently taking a public speaking course to help me plan my speeches and work on my confidence. It’s helping me become an even better advocate for people with Down syndrome!

This semester, I became an intern at the RVCC Childcare Center. My job is to help the main teacher with whatever activities the kids are working on that day, and to teach them some ASL whenever I can!

After taking ASL, I became a Signing Time Instructor. I even started a business with my sister! It’s called Happy Hands, and we teach ASL to children and their families through songs, games, stories, and more. You can see pictures and videos of us teaching on our Facebook page,

I hope to turn teaching into a career, and to keep giving speeches about how people with Down syndrome can do anything. I’m already proving it on campus everyday! I’ve been able to advocate in each of my classes, and let my professors, classmates, and other students see that people with Down syndrome can be great college students. College has taught me that if I work hard, keep persevering, and never give up, I can definitely make my dreams come true! ”

This makes my heart so happy!! Caryn, keep on rockin’ it and changin’ the world for the better!!

ps…we have raised over $4,000 from you guys rockin’ Ruby’s Socks!! You guys are killin’ it!! Keep posting and taggin’ us in pics please! We are going to do a un little video for March!

#rockinrecipientsrule #rubysrainbow #downsyndrome #theluckyfew

2016Caryn CrollRaritan Valley Community CollegeRecipient UpdatesRockin' RecipientsRockin' Recipients RuleThe Lucky Few

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