Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ella MaeRuby Doobs

My Reasons Why, My Little Rainbow Makers!!

March 13th, 2019

My reasons “why”….my everything ❤️ My little Rainbow Makers!!!

I’ve been trying to post goodness all day but Facebook has not been letting me do things! Anyone else!? Ack! Don’t they know we have scholarships to give out this fall?!😂😂 Despite not being able to share and comment (believe me I have seen all the love out there…THANK YOU!!❤️) you guys have been pulling through and showing up…and BELIEVING. We are at $78k and rising which is at least 15 more capable and amazing faces I get to share with you this fall!!! THANK YOU!!! I am feeling pretty good that we will hit our goal by WDSD bc you guys ROCK!!!

Ps you can get these Rainbow Maker shirts over at…/Rainbow-Maker-p1329602… !! Kid and adult sizes!!

$5 of each shirt goes back to RR!!❤️❤️ to Pledge today!!!!

#321pledge #rubysrainbow #lifewithrubydoobs

3/21 PledgeElla MaeLife with RubyRuby DoobsThe Lucky Few

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