Mondays Are Hard, Y’all!!
January 29th, 2019
Who wants to go back to the weekend of eating ice cream and binge watching Incredibles Two?! ????????♀️????????????♀️???? This morning was rough, y’all. It started off with Ella Mae’s new “big girl” alarm going off for like 10 minutes only for her to turn it off and fall back asleep. Then, her and Ruby yelling at each other bc Ruby comes and gets in her bed at night (I tell Ella it’s bc she loves her sister so much????)and kicked her in the face last night. Then, after the yelling, Ella fell out of bed and scraped her back really bad and was legitimately bawling, partly bc it really hurt and partly bc they are having their bench mark testing today and she gets nervous ????I try and tell her it’s just a test and doesn’t matter but she always says “it matters to me.”
Four frozen waffles and a handful of fruit later, we actually made it out the door on time ???? Here’s to this week getting a better start tomorrow! I hope y’all had a smoother start!!❤️????
#theluckyfew #rubysrainbow #lifewithrubydoobs#downsyndromerocks #ellamaeisthecoolest