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Ella MaeRuby Doobs

Missed These Girls So Much!!

May 6th, 2019

Dang I missed these girls. I was only gone for 4 days but I feel like they have changed and grown just in that short time! Ruby was chatting with me on our way to therapy after school about her weekend and was telling me ALL about it. We have been working on memory and recall for so long I literally almost started crying as she was telling me all the games and activities she was playing at her sleepover, and then even told me how everyone got in their jammies to lay down (she said there was 10 of them!) and they were watching a “girl movie about two girls” (DETAILS!!!😍 ) but everyone was being “so loud” and she was tired so she asked the parent if she could call her daddy and come home. SO MANY cool things about that conversation, but one of my favorite things is that she advocated for herself!! The hubby said when he picked her up she was totally happy, but just was ready to come home and sleep 😂 ❤️

And Ella Mae, oh my sweet Ella Mae. Gosh I just love her BIG heart. I got the best morning snuggles this morning (I got in at 3:30 last night 😫 ). We even let them go in late to school so we could snuggle as a family for a little longer. It’s those little times that my heart will forever remember. 😍

It was so great to connect with friends this weekend for some much needed respite time to recharge…but it sure does make that homecoming all the sweeter!!

#theluckyfew #lifewithrubydoobs #ellamaeisthecoolest #rubysrainbow

Ella MaeFamilyLife with RubyProud MamaRuby DoobsSistersThe Lucky Few

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