Watch This Amazing Mark Hublar Video!!
July 15th, 2019
Well I hope you’re in the mood to 😭😭😍😍 this AM cuz this video of Rockin’ Recipient Mark Hublar is sure to bring on the happy tears!! He’s just so amazing & inspiring – I know you’ll agree ❤️❤️❤️
Mark’s dad says “Mark is now speaking to businesses about improving their ROI (Respect, Opportunity, Inclusion) as it relates to hiring individuals with disabilities.”
This is AMAZING – every business needs to improve their ROI!!! I can imagine everything you’re describing, Mark!! ❤️❤️
#ROI #InclusiveWorkplaces #RockinRecipientsRule#NothingDownAboutIt #TheLuckyFew #SelfAdvocate#KeepOnRockinItMark