Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

Mark Hublar to Co-Present with Liz Plachta at June 22 Conference in Austin TX!!

May 14th, 2018

Nothin’ like FaceTiming with your ol’ buddy Mark Hublar to get your week started off right Mark and I are co-presenting a keynote speech June 22nd here in Austin to a bunch of educators and families about what opportunity and raising expectations means for someone with a disability.

I could not be more excited to talk about what it has done for Ruby and then have him be able to personally talk about how it has helped him achieve things in life that back when he was born people thought was unattainable (hello college!!) If you are in the area lmk and I can give u the deets. He’s super excited about finally meeting Ruby and Ella Mae, and Ella Mae is already freakin’ bc Mark’s video is one of her faves.

If you haven’t seen it yet, Mark will make your day:

Happy Monday peeps!!

#rockinrecipientsrule #theluckyfew#rubysrainbow #downsyndromerocks .

AustinBeat the HeatconferenceLizLiz PlachtaMark HublarRuby DoobsSelf-Advocate

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