Loving These Pics of 2018 Rockin’ Recipient Rachel Mast at Missouri State U!!
January 14th, 2019
“Mom I am so happy. This is my dream!”
Everything a parent wants to hear! Rachel moved into the dorms this weekend at Missouri State University where she will be attending the Bear POWER Program and these were the words she told her mama as they were moving int!! Rachel was also identified by the orientation leader as having energy and enthusiasm and everyone should follow her lead! ❤️
SO PROUD of you Rachel!!
Missouri State Bear POWER #rockinrecipientsrule #rubysrainbow#theluckyfew
2018Bear PowerDorm LifeMissouri StatePride SocksRachel MastRecipient UpdatesRockin' Recipient UpdatesRockin' RecipientsRockin' Recipients Rule