It Takes A Village… Happy Mother’s Day!!
May 12th, 2019
Ruby’s new thing is to cup her hands like a heart and say “Mommy, I love you with my whole heart.” And it’s true, I feel her unconditional love I know it’s Mother’s Day today, but I believe this day is truly for everybody. It takes a village of aunts, uncles, daddy’s, g-ma’s and g-pa’s, friends, teachers, and a whole community of people that love and believe in our kids to raise them the best we can. It also takes a village of amazing people and organizations to help give our kids their best life, and it makes me feel good to know that Global Down Syndrome Foundation is out there doing all their incredible research ❤️ And thank you for including us in your #globalmoms campaign ❤️❤️
So…Happy Mother’s Day to ALL of you peeps out there! I hope you have a special day and know you are making a difference just by being YOU!!!❤️❤️