Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow


May 27th, 2011

Well…it is no secret I am a sucker for animals. So…when I show up to drop my daughter off at her in-home daycare and there are two kittens on the stoop…….needless to say…without further a due…introducing “Sergeant Pepper”….

You can imagine my hubby’s suprise when I tell him he is not only picking up a toddler but grabbing another new addition on the way out the door!  I just couldn’t help myself though…..I mean…LOOK


I had no choice in the matter really….and quite honestly, she is a good fit.  She doodies outside, lets my daughter carry her around, and she sticks up to my dogs.  I think her and nanners were actually playing today. Once her and Biscuit figure it out it will be all good in the hood.  Ella Mae keeps walking around saying “yes you can hold my kitty” and the Srgt has fun playing with all the fun dangly things with Ruber Doobs on her activity mat. So there you have it…..Welcome to the Plachta family Ms Pepper..goood luck 🙂

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