That’s what Ella Mae told me this rainy, lazy Sunday morning during our family “group hug”….I love you always much… I love that…I think I am going to steal that one from her.
Ella Mae luvin’ Rubers Always Much |
Ruber Doobs has been diggin’ a little bit of independence in her excersaucer (luv that name)….she bounces up and down and is quite proud of the fact she can stand on “her own” when in it…
Ruby “gettin down” in her excersaucer!! |
I think Ella Mae has gotten a little bit jealous of all the Rubinators “hardware” and has decided to take a few of them for “joyrides”………..
Ella Mae “saucin'” it up! |
She was swingin’ in Ruby’s swing this afternoon which I explained to her that is where she slept the first six months of her life…along with a blow dryer humming underneath…the things you do to get them to sleep! How does one even figure out that the swing/blowdryer combo works?? Oh yeah…sleep deprivation will get you to try all sorts of things!! Good thing the Doobers loves her some sleep..I am now that mom that I hated when they said “oh yes…she has been sleeping through the night since she was 4 weeks old!” I never believed them…but now am glad to actually experience it first hand! Now if I could only get the kitty to sleep through the night….Here’s a pic of Biscuit luvin Srgt Pepper always much… she still has a bit of a problem with “personal space”……..

They are all getting along just fine though..I think it is hilarious in the morning when they all come runnin’ to the kitchen to get fed and they all just kinda snack on each others food. Nanners takes a lil’ of Peppers, vice versa and then they all switch…it’s kinda like a “musical chairs” breakfast.
The girls have been enjoying their bathtime together…here’s the proof…
Future hair stylist perhaps?? |
I think Doobers likes her new do!! |
I am going to end this post with my girls before going to a “princess bike party”…
I sure do love those girls ALWAYS MUCH AND Forever!!