I Can’t Wait For This Friday’s BEAT THE HEAT Conference With Mark Hublar!!
June 21st, 2018
Peeps, this Friday 6/22 I’m lucky enough to be speaking with Mark Hublar, one of our ah-mazing Rockin’ Recipients, at this year’s BEAT THE HEAT conference – and I CAN’T WAIT!! ???????????? Mark was a 2014 Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship recipient, and we’ll be co-presenting the keynote speech. Held here in Austin, BEAT THE HEAT is a conference designed for educators, parents and others who work with children ages 3–21 with intellectual disabilities. Mark & I will be talking about the importance of inclusion, finding employment, and how providing opportunity can have a huge impact on the future of someone with a disability. ????????????????
Y’all, seriously – when Mark was born, if people had known what he would go on to do and achieve in life, it would have blown their minds!! Things like college were thought to be unattainable for peeps like him who were rockin’ that extra chromosome, or people with disabilities in general. That’s why I am so excited to talk about what providing opportunities and raising our expectations have done for Ruby, and then to hear Mark speak about his own experiences.
On a personal note, I can’t wait for Mark to finally meet Ruby and Ella Mae! Ella Mae’s been freakin’ out for weeks, since Mark’s video is one of her faves. ❤️❤️❤️ (Check it out for yourself!!)
Will you be in the Austin area this Friday? If you’re interested in attending BEAT THE HEAT, we’ll be speaking at 9 AM!! They will also be live-streaming it — here’s the link to tune in!!
#RubysRainbow #KeepOnRockinItMark #BeatTheHeat #ATX #InclusionMatters #Conference #KeynoteSpeakers #RockinRecipientsRule #DownSyndromeRocks #DownSyndromeAwareness
2014AustinBeat the HeatconferenceInclusionInclusion MattersKeynoteMark HublarRecipient UpdatesRegion 13Region XIIIRockin' Recipients