Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ella MaeRuby DoobsRuby's Rainbow News


July 23rd, 2018

My favorite day of the year. The day so many of our friends, family and the community come out and make us feel so loved. The Rockin’ RainBOWL has exceeded my every expectation, just like the little girl who inspired it all. We had a goal of $35k, with my inner “Unicorn Goal” of $40k…and you know what? We ended up-not only having a blast connecting with new friends and old- but raising over $45,000!!!! From a BOWLING tournament ???? ???? It is so much more than that though and I am so grateful and humbled by the way people believe in us AND in people rockin’ it like our Ruby Doobs.

Another big Unicorn Goal has been having this event in other cities to bring communities together and raise more awareness and I am BESIDE MYSELF that this dream is coming true THIS SATURDAY in San Diego and we have yet another FULL HOUSE!! So.much.LOVE!!!!

THANK YOU to everyone who came out this past Sunday, those that are coming this Saturday, and for the love and support of ALL you guys!! You guys are making dreams come true!!

#lifewithrubydoobs #rubysrainbow #theluckyfew #rainbowl #bowling

AustinBowlingElla MaeFundraiserRainBOWLRockin RainBOWLRuby DoobsRuby's RainbowSan DiegoThe Lucky Few

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