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Recipient UpdatesRuby Doobs

Got to Meet New Rockin’ Recipient Kelsey Today!!

August 7th, 2019

Got to meet one of our new Rockin’ Recipients today and my heart is full!! Kelsey is attending Calvin University and rooming with her sister this fall. (Hear more from both of them in stories) She will be majoring in film and her dream is to someday direct Jaws 6! 😍 For now she is focusing on moving into her new apartment and getting ready for her classes to start. She has such a confidence about her and I can’t wait to see how much she grows her first year at Calvin!!! Watch out Steven Spielberg!!!

#rockinrecipientsrule #lifewithrubydoobs #rubysrainbow

2019Calvin UniversityKelsey JordanRockin' RecipientRockin' RecipientsRockin' Recipients RuleRuby Doobs

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