Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

Five days, four teeth, and a nasty three letter acronym….

February 24th, 2012

Well..quite a crazy week last week.  No mother likes to hear their pediatrician yell.. “Call 911” to her assistants when they see your pip-squeak,  but that is what happened last Tuesday when we got there.   Let’s back up a few days….The week prior I had noticed some teeth coming in, not just any teeth…two front uppers and two back uppers.  Needless to say when Doobs wasn’t completely acting herself, I assumed it was the teeth.  Well, she went downhill from there, and by Monday she was weezing a bit, so I took her back into the pediatrician and she told me it was RSV…a nasty lil’ virus that can be rough for kiddos under two.  Imagine having the worst  flu you have ever had… and  literally not being able to breath.  That’s how Doobs was doing by that Tuesday morning….so we got to take an ambulance ride to the ER!  Her oxygen levels were low, so once we got the oxygen mask on she perked up a little and even waved at me on the way there…

I have to say though…SUPER SCARY!!!  It’s another one of those instances that you never think will happen to you..until it does!  Why do we think we are immune to these types of experiences?  It is these experiences, I still believe, that show us what we are made of….and you know what the Doobers is made of??  Pure strength!!  She keeps on amazing me in every way….every day of her sweet lil’ life.  She was making the people in the ER smile even when she was grumpy!

I won’t sugar coat it..the next few days were rough for our lil’ lady just getting through the brunt of the virus…

But by day four in the hospital…the cheezy smiles were back, she certainly had not forgotten how to wave…

And our lil’ lady only got stronger on the fifth day in the hospital…so strong they said see ya later!!

They were sad to see her go… I mean..who wouldn’t miss that face??  But we were sooooo happy to have our sweet Ruby Doobs back home with her sister!!  So…life is back to normal at the P house….as normal as it can be with our crazy clan...Ha!!  We went to the park last night and here are a few shots with my new fancy camera….


She sure is looking like a lil’ lady..isn’t she??  Geez…don’t get me started!!  I realized her hair can do something other than the “Justin Bieber” today…..

I leave ya on that note!! Rock on Peeps!! Life is wonderful and beautiful!! Look for the uniqueness in everyone…and yourself 🙂

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