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Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

Finally…oh, and vacation

June 30th, 2011

Oh my goodness…we are FINALLY done with the Lost series!  Free from the shackles!!! Maybe now I can get some blogging done instead of wondering what is happenin’ on that stinkin’ island…GEEZ!  The hubby and I have made a deal to never start watching another series like that again…ridiculous…Anywho..that does not mean there has been a lack of excitement around these parts.  LOTS of fun happenins!  Let’s see..where to begin??

The hubby has been teachin’ Ella Mae some dance moves….

Ella took this one

Looks just like her daddy..HA!!

I found these on the camera after the Ella Mae had actually taken the ones of her daddy…pretty good…don’t ya think??  Her new moves will come in handy on the dance floor sooner than she thinks…

So we went on a little family vacation to the mountains…and it was there that Ella Mae decided it was time to potty train herself.  Crazy..I know..strange people..strange potties…you would not think that a good recipe for potty training, but hey? We’ll take it!   She has been going in her “big girl panties” to daycare and wearing them at home. She even goes all by herself at home.  I was cooking and I heard the potty flush the other night and she yelled out of the bathroom “Can I have a popsicle now?”  We had to ween away from the popsicles cuz she would get them every hour on the hour at this point! 

Our trip to the mountains was absolutely perfect…fresh mountain air….COOL fresh mountain is about 200 degrees in Texas right now, so it was quite the treat. The girls both did so amazing..partly cuz I still have such amazing friends there, and I think kiddos have a sense about those things and do well with good peeps…and thats what it was..a “good peep” fest.  Old faces from all over came for my great buddy DK’s wedding.  And this is where those new dance moves came in handy for Ella…Tim was actually teaching her the “sprinkler” and the “lawnmower” right before and she was bustin’ those out…Hilarious!

Plachta invsion on the dance floor

We also got to say goodbye to our wonderful big buddy Bogart.  We spread his ashes on top of Vail Mountain under a tree with a great view………


       Ella was so sweet and kept saying on the way up that we were going to say bye-bye to Bogart in the sky.  And then she proceeded to “share” her candies with him (by jamming them into his ashes) once it was all said and done. She even bent down to give him a kiss….RIP big buddy…we sure do miss you!

Ella sharing her candy with the buddy


Ruby’s “do” was quite crazy while in Colorado…………

Every morning I would have to spend about 15 minutes trying to de-tangle it..super funny!  I think it was that dry mountain air…………and speaking of our newest lil’ lady………………She is sitting up all on her own!! WOOT! WOOT!  More on her progress and our vaca soon…right now this tired mama is gettin’ some shut eye….life is good my friends!! Luv Luv Luv!!!!

How could it not be with these amazing faces to look at every day??



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