Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

Daddy’s Girl………

March 19th, 2012

Well…it’s official.  If we didn’t know already that Ruby Doobs was a daddy’s girl…the proof is in the pudding…or should I say beer…………


She stared at that Lone Star ,which she has seen her daddy drink on occasion, like it was the next big thing.  It sometimes is to her daddy…Ha!!  For a minute there I thought she was gonna read the can out loud….Lone Starrrrr….it was wishful thinkin’ on my part.  She had something else in mind…
No beverages were consumed during the making of this blog!!! (By baby anyway!)
Girl loves to eat too, so I guess she is a bit of a mama’s girl as well…..
It’s ok though…our lil’ Ruber Doobs has enough love to go around. She loves on her mama, her daddy, sister, G-parents and friends and still  has the time and energy to hug and love on her some barbie…

Big hugs is her new favorite thing (or maybe it’s mommy’s)…she squeezes them tight and rocks back and forth while smiling and patting whatever the lucky object is.  When I ask her for a hug she doesn’t mess around either…she throws her entire body at me and just relaxes into me like a big, soft pillow…letting me squeeze her tight and rock her back and forth.  I realize now where she gets her “huggin’ form” from, and if I was to rate her on a scale of one to ten her score would definitely be in the twenties (and that’s not just her mama talkin’)….I have to say, hugs are pretty important things.  You can learn alot about a person just with that first hug……………

gettin a little hug practice..

Certainly not a first hug for these two…but you know what they say…. practice makes perfect!!

                                                                 Hugs to the homey’s!!                            

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