Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby DoobsRuby's Rainbow News

Check Out Ruby at the NDSC Convention!!

July 12th, 2018

There’s not much cooler than having Ruby and so many of our recipients at our booth at the NDSC Down Syndrome Convention !! Plus, Ruby’s already awarded two scholarships with our “Big Check” to new 2018 recipients down on the exhibit floor. I just love this Convention so much because we get to connect with others AND catch up with so many of our recipients!! It’s truly my jam!! Come by and see us if you are here and you may just catch some more recipient surprises!! Eek!!

#theluckyfew #rubysrainbow #lifewithrubydoobs#rockinrecipientsrule #ndscconvention2018

2018ConventionNational Down Syndrome CongressNDSCRuby Doobs

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