Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

The Birth of Ruby’s Rainbow

January 25th, 2017

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The second I held her in my arms I felt such a strong need to do something extraordinary…just like her. It was literally like she had lit my soul on fire and I was wide awake. I have never had such passion and emotion come through me as it did that day. She was in the NICU for 18 days and we finally got to break her outta there right before Christmas. After being home with her for 6 months and seeing her sweet spirit and determination, I knew I wanted the world to know how capable she was. All the books I read just didn’t depict anything close to what I saw every day in my lil lady, and what I knew in my heart. I remember the day I came to my hubby and said, “I think I want to help someone with Down syndrome go to college.” He was like “ok?! Do people with Down syndrome even go to college? ”

Neither of us really had any idea, but what I knew is that was something I wanted for my own daughter. Opportunity, independence, and the chance to continue learning and be the best version of herself she can be? Yes please. So that was it….Ruby’s Rainbow was born. Out of passion for my own daughter’s future and wanting others to know how awesome she is 🙂 . Let’s be clear: I didn’t know ANYTHING about starting a non-profit…ha! For reals. BUT…I had this lil motivator whispering in my ear every single day…showing me what was possible. Pushing me to try harder. And here we are today, showing the world a future of possibilities, showing the world that people with Down syndrome are worthy…they are capable. They bring so much joy into the lives of the people around them. They are smart. They are so many things, but most importantly they are valued and loved…and they are no mistake. Someone posted on our Facebook page last week:

“When you consider 499 babies out of 500 suffer from lack of Down syndrome, my parents are incredibly lucky.”

Why yes we are my sweet Ruby, yes we are.

Thank you all so much for following along on this amazing ride with us! We hope we leave you with happy, inspired hearts and hope for the future!

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Adults with Down syndromecollege scholarshipsDown syndromeRuby's Rainbowscholarships

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