Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

Baby You Can Drive My Car….

November 3rd, 2016

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“Ruby, You should have taken a left turn in Albuquerque!”

These girls are ready for their nationwide tour…well, maybe in 10 or so more years, so watch out world!! Driving and navigating public transportation is a HUGE step toward living a more independent life. I know I went screeching out of the driveway the day I turned 16 and didn’t look back! Although this path may look different for some people rockin’ that extra chromosome (hopefully less screeching involved :)) , more and more are going for this dream. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure Enjoying the Small Things – Kelle Hampton and I will be white knucklin’ it in the passenger seat for a few years first, creating a few white hairs to match… but I love the thought of someday this dream being a reality for them. And there is always hair dye.

I have TWO different amazing stories a little later today of perseverance and determination so take a right turn a in a bit and head on back for a daily dose of inspiration 🙂


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