An Email Update from Breezy – AKA Rockin’ Recipient BreAnna White!!
May 1st, 2019
“I am the ONLY student that Georgia Highlands College has ever had with Down syndrome. I think I am the only one in the state of GA to be accepted to college. I want to inspire others!”
That’s what Breezy (AKA 2018 Rockin’ Recipient BreAnna White) wrote in her application last year, when she was going for a Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship…and just look at her now!! 😍😍 From an email she sent RR last month:
“Hello this Breezy! I just want to let you know I made a C on my Midterm in Art Appreciation right now I had a B in my class in math I have a B right now I am working on graphing and linear function and equation. And variables!”
Her mom sent us these pics of Breezy giving a speech to a group of middle-schoolers about her journey of going to college, and of her visit with her mom to the High Museum of Art for her Art Appreciation class – she was searching for a piece of art to write a big essay about, and found it in “Moonlit Market” (the 3rd pic). It took her over 8 straight hours to write the essay and submit it!!
Girlfriend is hardworking and SO inspiring!!! 👏💪🙌❤️ SO PROUD of you, Breezy!!!
More about BreAnna here:…/breanna-white-georgia-highlands…/
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