Almost there…..
March 21st, 2012
So tomorrow is the big day to celebrate the awesomeness of that extra special chromosome…although we celebrate it everyday around here. I am almost to my goal of 21 days… flappin’ my gums and bloggin’ daily so peeps could get a sneak peek into life with a pip-squeak like my Ruber Doobs. She is pretty stinkin’ cool….and she is almost to her goal…..
Ready..set.. |
GO!!!! |
She gets so proud of herself and has to stop to applaud….
Or it could be the hubby and I that are distracting…as with all things “Doobers”…we find it hard to contain our excitement, not just at the thought of her crawling..gaining a little independence. Excited for her future…to see what she is made of… what does she want to be when she grows up? What will she enjoy doing? Who will her amazing lil’ spirit touch?? Well…whoever it touches will no doubt see the world through a much broader, clearer lens. They will appreciate all the little things…the things we sometimes take for granted. She will open their heart in a way they never thought possible. Just with one little smile….she is contagious. Once you get a lil’ piece of that heart….you will be addicted to the way she makes you feel! Tomorrow is World Down Syndrome Day. A day to celebrate the lives of people with that extra special something…to celebrate the love they bring to our crazy world. My Daughter is so unbelievably beautiful…her life is precious….and I hope next time you see someone like my sweet, perfect Ruby Doobs…you give them a big ol’ hug.
And wouldn’t it be cool if tomorrow, on World Down Syndrome Day, I could report that Ruby was cruising?? I mean…she’s got to keep up with this one………….
Celebrate the wonderfulness in all our rockin’ chromosomes peeps!!!!
Happy World Down Syndrome Day!!!