Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow

A Charmed Life…….

March 12th, 2012

I have used this title before, but am using it again because it is truly something I think to myself everyday.  One peeking in on my life might not quite ‘get it’…I mean…we aren’t millionaires…not even one hundred thousandaires…we have a daughter with special needs…we rarely get out to do the “typical” fun things.  To those people I say….look a little closer.


When Doobers was first born I think  some people didn’t know how to handle the news or what to say…I would get the occasional “I’m sorry..”  I would think to myself…Please don’t feel sorry for me….I wanted to shout it to the rooftops that we were OK…and we were definitely OK with her extra special chromosome.  OK with all that it brings with it. Cuz with everything we work with her makes that triumph all the sweeter.  I am so proud of how hard she works…  Don’t get me wrong..there are days when I have asked her..why the heck won’t you sleep?…and the occasional …why are you still crying?…and the ever so annoying…really??  another doody???  But that is with any pip-squeak…I mean..I just put her older sister in time-out three times yesterday (only cuz the hubby was watching and he says I have no follow-through…Ha! I’ll show him my inconsistent follow through!! )  I guess my point is…happiness is what you make of it…it is a choice I choose everyday..I don’t choose the things that happen to me breakin’ down, pip-squeak in the hospital,  Ella Mae’s refusal to poop in the potty.  What I choose is to be happy…in any situation…and I have to say, my lil’ ladies make it pretty darn easy…..the joy our lil’ Ruber Doobers brought us the second she came out of my belly……..
                                     She was the perfect lil’ life..for our perfect lil’ family………
She has done nothing but inspire, bring warmth…light up the room…any room…since the day she was born.
And let’s not forget the other two that add to the craziness I call happiness…the hubby and his kiddo double…Superwoman
Sooo..don’t worry about me…I am rockin’ this charmed life….just as hard as Ruby is rockin’ her extra chromosome…a charmed life indeed!!!!  
Check out this World Down Syndrome Day video…You might see a sweet lil’ family you know and love in there…       
They asked us what we would go back in time and tell ourselves when we first learned our kiddo had Down syndrome…this is what we said….
                                                                     Rock on peeps………

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