Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Recipient Updates

Rockin’ Recipient Update: Caryn Croll Is a Computer Whiz!!!

March 23rd, 2018

Got this update on Caryn Croll, who is featured in this article by A&E, along with Mark Hublar, Brandon Gruber and the work Ruby’s Rainbow is doing!!

“Update: Caryn has been taking her academic courses for credit, requiring the same assignments as every student. She maintains a B+ average, is now a computer wiz ( final grade A) and is a Signing Time Instructor! She is proud to advocate on the subject of Down Syndrome, more alike than different!”


Keep on rockin’ it guys!!

#rockinrecipientsrule #theluckyfew #downsyndromerocks

Caryn CrollRecipient UpdatesRockin' Recipients

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