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Recipient Updates

2015 Rockin’ Recipient Abigail Cushing’s Rockin’ It as a Self-Advocate!!

November 2nd, 2018

Got this amazing email update recently from 2015 Rockin’ Recipient Abigail Cushing’s dad and I ❤️ every word!!! He wrote:

“Abigail was invited by one of the directors at the Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota to make a presentation to the new class of physicians at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota. Mayo only accepts 50 new student doctors per year. These are likely to become influential physicians after graduation. They are the elite of the elite medical students in the U.S. and beyond. She gave about a five to ten minute presentation (along with another young person with Down syndrome, who did the same), followed by a question-and-answer period. It was quite an experience for her and for us.

“Abigail was also elected to the board of directors of the Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota (DSAMN) for a three-year term as one of two DS self-advocates on the board. She will have the opportunity to represent her peers and their ideas and feelings to the DSAMN leadership at their bimonthly meetings. Her first board meeting is later this month.”

I can’t even say how much I love ALL of this!! ???????? Self-advocates are what it’s all about, y’all — peeps rockin’ that extra chromosome who are showing the world exactly what they’re capable of. Abigail attended Bethel U’s BUILD program, and she’s also been active in community theatre for many years, so I’m gonna make a wild guess that she rocked that presentation to the room full of doctors at the Mayo Clinic, no sweat!!!

We are so proud of you, Abigail!!! Keep on rockin’ it!!

Read more about her:

#RockinRecipientsRule #KeepOnRockinItAbigail #SelfAdvocate #NoLimits #TheLuckyFew#DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwareness #DownSyndromeRocks

Abigail CushingBethel UniversityDown Syndrome AssociationRecipient UpdatesRockin' Recipients Rule

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