Ryan Mosley – Clemson University ClemsonLIFE (Zoey Fierce Scholarship Award)

Ryan is a four-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Zoey Fierce Scholarship Award. This fall he begins his senior year in the ClemsonLIFE advanced program at Clemson University, where he is studying hospitality. He is applying for the hospitality certificate program post-graduation.
This summer, Ryan enjoyed living on his own for the first time and working at the Shepherd Hotel. He is continuing to master his independent living skills and is very much looking forward to football season at Clemson.
Ryan’s hobbies include basketball, bowling, and all things Clemson athletics. He is very proud to be a third-generation Clemson student and to have learned to navigate the off-campus bus system so he can shop and buy his groceries.
We are so proud of you, Ryan! We can’t wait to see you rock your senior year!