Nina Koster – Green Oaks Life Prep at Arlington Baptist University (Sully Drake Family and Friends Scholarship Award)

Nina is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Sully Drake Family and Friends Scholarship Award. This fall she begins her third and final year in the Green Oaks Life Prep program at Arlington Baptist University, where she is studying horticulture. Nina grew up on her family’s dairy farm, and is very proud of her ag background. She loves her internship at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, and plans to work at a plant nursery or florist after she graduates. She also plans to live independently.
Nina loves enjoying music in any form, including singing, playing instruments, listening to music and dancing. She also loves water, and swimming and visiting water parks are two of her favorite activities. She also loves art and her cat, Pearson, who misses her very much while she is away at school.
We are so proud of you, Nina! We can’t wait to see you rock it all the way to graduation!