Luke Williams – Grand Canyon University L.O.P.E.S. Academy (Riley White Scholarship Award)

Luke is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Riley White Scholarship Award. This fall he begins his first year in the L.O.P.E.S. Academy, a two-year program at Grand Canyon University, where he is excited to study communications as well as public speaking and advocacy. He hopes to work with one of the campus sports teams while at GCU; after he graduates, he is eager to do some public speaking and use his voice to advocate for inclusion for people with disabilities.
Luke is an accomplished multisport athlete. He loves to dance, write, read books, sing, rap and hike. He also loves going out to eat and watching movies. He is proud to have had two articles published last year in his school newspaper.
We are so proud of you too, Luke! We can’t wait to see you rock it at GCU!