Liam Egan – Clemson University ClemsonLIFE (Esther Mickey Sisson Scholarship Award)

Liam is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Esther Mickey Sisson Scholarship Award. He is very happy to begin his sophomore year this fall in the ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University, where he is studying hospitality. He loves being in college and is proud to be a Clemson Tiger. He has worked at a pizza restaurant for over three years and he loves his job, especially his coworkers and customers. After he graduates, Liam plans to live on his own in Clemson and work in a restaurant.
Liam has two brothers, three sisters and four dogs, and he adores his family, friends and animals. He also loves listening to music, playing basketball, bowling, playing frisbee and watching movies. He has gained more confidence since being in college, and even performed three toe-touches in the ClemsonLIFE talent show. He is proud to have volunteered at his church and helped teach young children about God.
We believe in you, Liam! We think you rock!