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Joshua E. Parson – The Los Angeles Film School (Eager Family Scholarship Award)



Joshua is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Eager Family Scholarship Award. This fall he begins his first year at The Los Angeles Film School, where he plans to study graphic design. He says, “I love art and want to study graphic design. I love working with technology, especially if it is a way to help others.” He wants to become an actor, a model or a graphic designer, and says, “I am looking forward to the opportunity to one day be a print and live model for designers like Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren. And I also hope for the opportunity to act on television and the big screen.”

In high school, Joshua was on the All-Star basketball team and won the Academic Excellence in Science Award. He is also a green belt/blue stripe in Tae Kwon Do. His hobbies include playing basketball and working out, traveling, watching movies, making sushi rolls, and making fidget spinners using a 3-D printer. He says, “I would like to sell fidget spinners because they help some people to relax and find comfort from anxiety.”

We are so proud of you, Joshua! Your generous heart is a true inspiration! We can’t wait to see you rock it in college!

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