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John Rorro – Syracuse University InclusiveU (Twinkle Twins Scholarship Award)



John is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Twinkle Twins Scholarship Award. This fall he begins his sophomore year in the InclusiveU program at Syracuse University, where he is studying sports management. He hopes to find work with a sports team someday.

John’s hobbies include sports, video games and hanging out with friends. He goes to church every Sunday and loves going to every Syracuse football and basketball game. He is very proud to have become so independent in his first year at college.

John is on the executive board of the Special Olympics, and in February he took the Polar Plunge to raise money for the organization. He also interviewed for and received a paid position as a peer trainer at Syracuse, in which he will be supporting other InclusiveU students by attending events and possibly hosting a weekly event of his own.

John says, “My freshman year was amazing. I really like all my peer mentors who go to class with me and help me take notes. I cannot wait to go back for my sophomore year!” We are so proud of you, John—you rock!

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