Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Jaclynn Pickens – Johnson County Community College CONNECT



Jaclynn begins her first year in the CONNECT program at Johnson County Community College this fall, where she plans to study either teaching or veterinary science. Her post-graduation plans include living as independently as she can.

Jaclynn’s hobbies include theatre and TikTok. She is very proud to have been her high school’s first student from the resource room to serve in student government. She is also proud to be a Ruby’s Rainbow Rockin’ Recipient.

We are so proud of you, Jaclynn! You rock—we are glad you’re in the Ruby’s Rainbow family!

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Meet Our Other Rockin’ Recipients

We’re so proud of all our Rockin’ Recipients and honored to be a part of their journeys!

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