Haley Reeves – Mississippi State University ACCESS (Charlotte Keilty Scholarship Award)

Haley is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Charlotte Keilty Scholarship Award. This fall she begins her sophomore year in the ACCESS program at Mississippi State University, where she is studying education. She thoroughly enjoyed her first year of college and thrived in becoming very independent. She joined a sorority, attended ACCESS events and was active with the dance club, all while maintaining great grades. She is looking forward to her sophomore year. Her future goals are to finish college, get a job and live on her own.
Haley is very proud to have earned her driver’s license, but she does not yet drive alone. Another of her life goals is to develop her driving skills and confidence to the point that she can drive by herself. Her hobbies include anything and everything theatre or dance, and being involved with her sorority at MSU. She says, “Hail State!!”
We believe in you, Haley! You rock!