Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Ashton Lagos: Millersville University – Integrated Studies (Pascal Family Scholarship Award)



Ashton is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Pascal Family Scholarship Award. This fall he begins his freshman year in the Integrated Studies program at Millersville University, where he plans to study media arts and theatre. He looks forward to developing his independent living skills in college and gaining the needed skills to get a job he loves.

Ashton is actively involved in Special Olympics swimming and basketball, and he loves participating in Gigi’s Playhouse performances. He also loves his job at a local grocery store and is a proud member of the PEAL Youth Advisory Council. He is very proud to have taken dual-enrollment courses at Millersville last year while he was still in high school.

We are proud of you and your many accomplishments too, Ashton! We believe in you!

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