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Ally Rose Griffin – Rosemont College (Lucy Givnish Scholarship Award)



Ally is a three-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Lucy Givnish Scholarship Award. After completing the two-year VUnited Scholars program at Villanova University, this fall she begins her first year at Rosemont College, where she is studying art and writing.

Ally loved everything about being at VU—“especially living in the dorm, going to classes, cheerleading, participating in activities and singing with the pastoral choir. I even traveled to Italy with the choir and sang in Rome, Florence and Venice.” She is excited to take classes at Rosemont College so she can keep learning and being on a college campus with friends.

Ally’s hobbies include taking pictures, listening to music, going to concerts, dance, and traveling. She says, “I love being with people and learning new things. I love to travel, so visiting new places is a goal. I really want to go to Ireland to meet family and see the country.”

We are so proud of you, Ally! We can’t wait to see how this next chapter unfolds!

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