Abby Maddux – Northeastern State University RiverHawks Scholar Program (Charlie Kidwell Scholarship Award)

Abby is a four-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Charlie Kidwell Scholarship Award. She is a senior in the RiverHawks Scholar program at Northeastern State University, where she is studying business. She plans to work as an office assistant after graduation and eventually own her own business.
Abby loves going to school at NSU and is very excited to be a senior this fall. Her college life is busy with social activities with her sorority sisters and her program, along with Special Olympics intramural unified sports, service projects, internships and classes. In her spare time, she loves watching videos and reading about actors and actresses.
Abby is looking forward to living independently in an apartment next year with a housemate. She has successfully learned to use public transportation to get to her off-campus internship and can’t wait to have a full kitchen and washer and dryer in her apartment next year!
We are so proud of you, Abby! We can’t wait to see you rock your senior year!